About Us
We strive to improve and protect what we have started.
We place ecofriendly, safe and reliable trucks on the road to deliver a very high level of service to clients.
The company uses only Scania trucks for they are the best.
90% Of our loads from Namibia has a limited time of 24 hours to reach the client in South Africa.
We strive to expand and improve our business in such a way as to serve our clients’ needs in a positive and more effective way.
There is always room for improvement and quality service in some ways.
We place high quality trucks on the road, with devoted personnel,to deliver in our clients’ needs.
We believe in equal employment opportunities, including training, without discrimination on the basis of race, religion or gender.
We are committed to fair and justifiable treatment and remuneration. We acknowledge the stipulations of the national legislation related to Worker Welfare Issues
We emphasise the importance of working together contentedly and efficiently, and by so doing, ensuring and maintaining a high production level of excellent quality.
We currently employ 30 full time staff.